
Introduction to Robot Process Automation, Best Uipath Training Institute in Noida

Once in a while there comes a technology that disrupts how things are “usually done” in a
business flow. After the Industrial Revolution and the Manufacturing Revolution we are now
assisting to the Robots Revolution. It is the next step after the internet, the Enterprise
Resource Planning (ERP), Customer Relationship System (CRM), cloud computing etc., and
is called Robotic Automation Process (RPA). Best Uipath Training Institute in Noida

About RPA technology and its future

Through RPA organizations can develop robots which will lead to automation of an
extensive variety of back office and front office activities, bridging thus the organization and
moving people to high-value-added tasks. Among the most performed actions of the bots
are: monitoring an event (e.g. emails received or documents saved in a specific folder),
reading and extracts data from file (e.g. PDF files, from email), performs checks against a
Unauthenticated.Best Uipath Training Institute in Noida

Characteristics of Robot Process Automation

1.Trained by the users
2. Working with the client’s user interface
3. Undertake structured, repeatable, computer-based tasks
4. Works flawlessly with multiple systems
5. Works with different electronic formats (e.g. PFD, MS Excel etc)
6. Performs checks and takes in consideration validations points according
to a predefined set of rules
7. Identifies easily exceptions (either against a database, either based on a
specific condition inserted in the code)
8. Works 24/7 and during the holidays and weekends
9. Logs are stored inside the program, but can be configured to be sent by
email at a specific point, date or frequency
10. Provides a case for introduction of analytics


UiPath is an RPA Tools which can develop robots which will lead to automation of an
extensive variety of back office and front office activities, bridging thus the organization and moving people to high-value-added tasks. Among the most performed actions of the bots are: monitoring an event (e.g. emails received or documents saved in a specific folder),
reading and extracts data from file (e.g. PDF files, from email), performs checks against a

Program Modules

Basic Concepts

Excel Automation

Data Manipulation

User Interface Automation

PDF Automation

Debugging and Exception Handling

Agent Assisted Automation

Email Automation

Project Organization


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