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GVT Academy Noida is the world-class training institute providing the best Python training in Noida the present business prerequisite that empowers the candidates to achieve best employment in organizations. GVT Academy Provides Python training course in Noida. GVT Academy is Python training company Noida having more than 14 years of experience in rendering the best training service and also being the best Python training institutes in Noida providing hands on training in technology by enabling the candidate to practice and work on real –time projects.
GVT Academy also provide its candidate with a dedicated placement team that assist and provide numerous opportunity to the candidate throughout its training period. The course structure for Python training programing in Noida is intended to provide students with an efficient skills set and covers all the modules for the training program from basic to advanced level. At GVT Academy Python certification training in Noida is administered and overseen by technology experts from the industry having than 10+ years of experience in dealing with major Python programing Live projects.
GVT Academy Noida is the world-class training institute providing the best Python training in Noida the present business prerequisite that empowers the candidates to achieve best employment in organizations. GVT Academy Provides Python training course in Noida. GVT Academy is Python training company Noida having more than 14 years of experience in rendering the best training service and also being the best Python training institutes in Noida providing hands on training in technology by enabling the candidate to practice and work on real –time projects. GVT Academy also provide its candidate with a dedicated placement team that assist and provide numerous opportunity to the candidate throughout its training period. The course structure for Python training programing in Noida is intended to provide students with an efficient skills set and covers all the modules for the training program from basic to advanced level. At GVT Academy Python certification training in Noida is administered and overseen by technology experts from the industry having than 10+ years of experience in dealing with major Python programing Live projects.
GVT Academy Noida is the world-class training institute providing the best Python training in Noida the present business prerequisite that empowers the candidates to achieve best employment in organizations. GVT Academy Provides Python training course in Noida. GVT Academy is Python training company Noida having more than 14 years of experience in rendering the best training service and also being the best Python training institutes in Noida providing hands on training in technology by enabling the candidate to practice and work on real –time projects. GVT Academy also provide its candidate with a dedicated placement team that assist and provide numerous opportunity to the candidate throughout its training period. The course structure for Python training programing in Noida is intended to provide students with an efficient skills set and covers all the modules for the training program from basic to advanced level. At GVT Academy Python certification training in Noida is administered and overseen by technology experts from the industry having than 10+ years of experience in dealing with major Python programing Live projects.
GVT Academy Noida is the world-class training institute providing the best Python training in Noida the present business prerequisite that empowers the candidates to achieve best employment in organizations. GVT Academy Provides Python training course in Noida. GVT Academy is Python training company Noida having more than 14 years of experience in rendering the best training service and also being the best Python training institutes in Noida providing hands on training in technology by enabling the candidate to practice and work on real –time projects. GVT Academy also provide its candidate with a dedicated placement team that assist and provide numerous opportunity to the candidate throughout its training period. The course structure for Python training programing in Noida is intended to provide students with an efficient skills set and covers all the modules for the training program from basic to advanced level. At GVT Academy Python certification training in Noida is administered and overseen by technology experts from the industry having than 10+ years of experience in dealing with major Python programing Live projects.
Program Modules
An Introduction to Python
- Introductory Remarks about Python
- A Brief History of Python
- How python is differ from other languages
- Python Versions
- Installing Python
- Getting Help
- How to execute Python program
- Writing your first program
Python Basics
- Python keywords and Identifiers
- Python statements
- Python indentation
- Comments in python
- command line arguments
- Getting user input
- Exercise
Variables and data types
- Introduction
- Variables
- Data types
- Numbers
- Strings
- Lists, tuples & Dictionary
- Exercise
Decision making & Loops
- Introduction
- Calling a function
- Function arguments
- Built in functions
- Scope of variables
- Decorators
- Passing Functions to a Function
- Lambda
- Closures
- Exercise
- Introduction
- Calling a function
- Function arguments
- Built in functions
- Scope of variables
- Decorators
- Passing Functions to a Function
- Lambda
- Closures
- Exercise
Modules and Packages
- Modules
- Importing module
- Standard Module - sys
- Standard Module - OS
- The dir Function
- Packages
- Exercise
Exception Handling
Errors Run Time Errors Handling IO Exceptions Try.... except statement Raise Assert Exercise
Files and Directories
Introduction Writing Data to a File Reading Data From a File Additional File Methods Working with files Working with Directories The pickle Module Exercise
Classes Objects
Introduction classes and objects Creating Classes Instance Methods Special class method Inheritance Method overriding Data hiding Exercise
Regular Expressions
Introduction Match function Search function Grouping Matching at Beginning or End Match Objects Flags Exercise
Socket programming
What are sockets? Creating sockets Server-client socket methods Connecting client server Client-server chatting program Exercise